Dearadh Ribín: Tá na ribíní deartha i gcruth bíseach nó helical, go hiondúil le hábhar amháin a ghluaiseann ribín ó thaobh amháin den chumascóir go ceann eile, agus bogann an ribín eile ábhar sa treo eile. This dual motion ensures a thorough mix.
Lomadh agus meascadh: De réir mar a rothlaíonn na ribíní, cuirtear fórsaí lomadh ar ábhar. The ingredients move around the trough, ensuring that even materials with different particle sizes and densities can be uniformly mixed.
Meascadh Baisc nó Leanúnach: Is féidir le cumascóirí ribín oibriú i bpróisis bhaisc nó leanúnacha araon, ag brath ar an iarratas agus ar dhearadh an mheaisín.
Ag croílár fheidhmiúlacht an chumascóra ribín tá a ghníomh measctha, á thiomáint ag mótar giair a rothlaíonn an agitator ag luas imeallach thart ar 28 go 46 troigh in aghaidh an nóiméid. When the shaft rotates, the ribbon moves the material in a circular motion along the trough, facilitating thorough mixing.

The movement of the ribbons is crucial to the blending process. The outer ribbon pushes the material toward the center of the blender, while the inner ribbon directs it back towards the walls of the trough. Cruthaíonn an ghluaiseacht chomhordaithe seo sreabhadh dinimiciúil ina n -iompraítear ábhair i dtreonna eile go cliathánach agus go haisce (feadh ais chothrománach an chumascóra). As the materials collide within the blender, they generate convection, promoting a homogenous blend.

Am Post: Mar-06-2025